Printer's Mark, Pere Miguel, 1494.

Pot casse emblem, Geoffroy Tory, 1524.

Fantastic alphabet from Champ Fleury, Geoffroy Tory, 1529.

Title page for the Whole book of Psalmes, Stephen and Matthew Daye, 1640.
-The roman alphabet designs of Sweynheym and Pannartz and the course decorative borders of early French books were the first steps towards Renaissance book designs.
-Many early printers designed trade marks to identify their books
-Design innovations like the title page, roman and italic type, printed page numbers, woodblock and cast metal ornaments and approaches to the layout of illustrations with type enabled Italian printers to pass on the basic format of the typographic book
-Roman capital initials are set into block squares with meticulous floral designs and crible
-After the war between French troops and the reformed church, many French printers Fled to other countries such as England and Switzerland
-First print in American colonies was the Whole booke of Psalms, printed by Stephen Daye.
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