Ras Shamra Script, c.1500 BCE.

Greek Allotment tokens, C.450-430 BCE.

Book Script, C. 400-500 BCE.

Base of Trajan's Column, C. 114 CE.
-The alphabet’s true source may come from the Phoenicians, and early Canaanites and Hebrews. -Phoenicians were sea travelers and their settlements were hubs for international trade so they were able to spread their ideas as well as the alphabet to different places such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. -The Phoenician alphabet evolved not only into Greek and Roman writing but also into Aramaic as well which would become the predecessor to modern Hebrew and Arabic . -As the Greeks used and developed the Phoenician language using it in for such things like democratic situations and play writing it was adopted by the romans and was spread throughout the world and became the foundation for many other languages and alphabets. -Alphabets made literacy possible for poorer society members.
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