Monday, July 29, 2013

Chapter 9 Megg's History of Graphic Design

Joseph Niepce, Photo etching of an engraving of Cardinal Georges D' Amboise, 1827.

The first steam-powered cylinder press, Friedrich Koenig, 1814

Title page from A specimen of Printing Types, William Caslon and William Caslon 2, 1764

Sarah Bernhardt,F.T Nadar, 1859

-William Caslon was said to be the grandfather of the new typeface revolution

-Darius wells experiemnted with hand carved wooden types, in 1827 invented a lateral router that enabled economical mass manufacture of wood types for displaying prints

-Charles Stanhope produced a printing press that was completely out of cast iron

-John walter 2 commisioned Fedrich Koenig to build a double cylinder steampowered press, capable of printing 1,100 impressions an hour

-The rapid development of the linotype replaced thousands of highly skilled hand-type setters while also creating new jobs

-Joseph Niepce the first frenchman who first produced a photographic image, Louis Jacques Daguerre perfeccted the process.

-John Calvin Moss creaded a feasible photoengraving method

-As the victorian era progressed, the ornate and elaborate was a major influence on typography, Chromolithology was a major inspiration.

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